Heroic Girls sits down with Dr. Scarlet to talk about her work and her latest graphic novel, Dark Agents, Book One: Violet and the Trial of Trauma.
Interview: Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick is one of the hottest writers in comics right now. After retooling Carol Danvers to make her the new Captain Marvel, DeConnick capitalized on her success to launch the creator-owned titles Pretty Deadly and Bitch Planet. She most recently took over writing duties for DC’s Aquaman.
Whether simply creating well-rounded female characters like Captain Marvel, writing more explicitly feminist works like Bitch Planet, or directly motivating her social media followers with tools like her Bitches Get Things Done mailing list — DeConnick has found success as a writer not afraid to take a stand for what she believes in.
We (virtually) sat down with DeConnick for a Skype interview, where she talked about her favorite tattoos, how to pass the “Sexy Lamp Test” and the fact that all comics are political.
How Horror Roles Empower Women
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBA9auzxPgI Beyond Scream Queens - SDCC 2019 With both Halloween and Doctor Sleep both right around the corner, this seems like a perfect time to share one of Heroic Girls'…
The Trailer for ‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’ is Here to Terrify You
The trailer for Netflix’s The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is here, and if anyone was concerned that they would sanitize the bloodsoaked gothic horror found in the Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa-penned Archie Comic, they can sleep easy tonight — unless they actually watch the trailer. Then they’ll be sitting up in bed with all the lights on.
Like the blood-soaked gothic horror comic on which it is based, the show appears to focus on teenage witch Sabrina’s coming-of-age 16th birthday, where she will finally be given as a bride to her lord and master Satan. Complications arise in the form of Sabrina’s mortal boyfriend Harvey and Madam Satan — freshly returned from the pits of hell seeking vengeance on Sabrina for the sins of her father.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Debuts on Netflix October 26, 2018.
Doctor Who Season 11 Trailer Released
BBC America has posted the first trailer for the “series 11” of sci-fi staple Doctor Who, after premiering it at San Diego Comic Con on Thursday.
The upcoming season will be the first time in the show’s 55-year history where the main protagonist, “The Doctor,” will be played by a woman. — the always excellent Jodie Whittaker (Broadchurch).
The Doctor is the last of an immortal race of Time Lords. She protects the galaxy from all manner of alien threats, but has a peculiar affinity for the denizens of a backwater planet called “Earth.” When a Time Lord dies she (or he) “regenerates” into a new physical appearance with a slightly different personality. At the end of the last season, the Doctor regenerated into a woman for the very first time.
Doctor Who Series 11 will be shown on BBC America in the fall of 2018.
Jessica Jones Season 2 Gets a Release Date and a Trailer
Netflix announced that Jessica Jones will return on March 8, 2018, for a second season of our favorite booze-soaked, super-powered private detective.
We don’t know a lot about what Jessica will be facing in the second season, but we do know that she is not finished dealing with the past. David Tennant is back as Kilgrave, whispering into Jessica’s ear from beyond the grave.
Krysten Ritter, David Tennant
“Having David back on set was amazing. We had such a great run the first season, and it felt like a celebration, having him back.” star Kristen Ritter told Entertainment Weekly. “The content is maybe not much of a celebration [laughs], but having him be present and spending time with him on a personal level kind of felt like one.”
While Kilgrave left an indelible mark on our heroine, there are more issues in Jessica’s past that need to be dealt with, according to showrunner Melissa Rosenberg.
“In season 1, we focused on Jessica’s trauma, on Jessica facing her abuser, but in season 2, we wanted to go even deeper than that, she said. “As you’ve seen in season 1, she was somewhat of a mess even before Kilgrave came into her life, so it was really just about digging deeper into this chaos and peeling back those layers, just going to the core of her being. That was our objective.”
P!nk Gives Heartfelt Speech about her Daughter, Androgyny and Loving Yourself at VMAs
“We don’t change … we help other people to change so they can see more kinds of beauty.”
After entering the theater standing on the hood of a flying car, singing a medley of her greatest hits, P!nk took the stage at the MTV Video Music Awards to accept the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, a lifetime achievement recognizing her contributions to “music and film.”
But rather than talking about her impressive list of accomplishments in the realm of music videos, P!nk took the opportunity to tell a story about her daughter Willow, age 6, who recently told the singer she was the ugliest girl she knew because she looked “like a boy with long hair.”
“I know I don’t have a lot of time, but if I may tell you a quick story. Recently, I was driving my daughter to school and she said to me, out of the blue, ‘Mama?’ I said, ‘Yes, baby?’ She said, ‘I’m the ugliest girl I know.’ And I said, ‘Huh?’ And she was like, ‘Yeah, I look like a boy with long hair.’ And my brain went to, ‘Oh my god, you’re six. Why? Where is this coming from? Who said this? Can I kick a 6-year-old’s ass, like what?’
But I didn’t say anything. Instead I went home and I made a Powerpoint presentation for her. And in that presentation were androgynous rockstars and artists that live their truth, are probably made fun of every day of their life, and carry on, wave their flag and inspire the rest of us. And these are artists like Michael Jackson and David Bowie and Freddie Mercury and Annie Lennox and Prince and Janis Joplin and George Michael, Elton John, so many artists — her eyes glazed over. But then I said, ‘You know, I really want to know why you feel this way about yourself.’ And she said, ‘Well I look like a boy,’ and I said, ‘Well what do you think I look like?’ And she said, ‘Well you’re beautiful.’ And I was like, ‘Well, thanks. But when people make fun of me, that’s what they use. They say I look like a boy or I’m too masculine or I have too many opinions, my body is too strong.’
And I said to her, ‘Do you see me growing my hair?’ She said, ‘No, mama.’ I said, ‘Do you see me changing my body?’ ‘No, mama.’ ‘Do you see me changing the way I present myself to the world?’ ‘No, mama.’ ‘Do you see me selling out arenas all over the world?’ ‘Yes, Mama.’ ‘OK! So, baby girl. We don’t change. We take the gravel and the shell and we make a pearl. And we help other people to change so they can see more kinds of beauty.’
And to all the artists here, I’m so inspired by all of you. Thank you for being your true selves and for lighting the way for us. I’m so inspired by you guys. There’s so much rad shit happening in music. And keep doing it. Keep shining for the rest of us to see.
And you, my darling girl, are beautiful, and I love you. Thank you, MTV. This is a really special night. Thank you, Ellen. I couldn’t love you more. Thank you guys. Goodnight.”
P!nk has always been one of our favorite performers — for her incredibly catchy songs, her kick-ass attitude and her powerful social commentary about the harmful pressure society put on women and girls to conform and the power of rejecting that pressure to just be yourself.
(Video) Raising Heroic Girls – San Diego Comic-Con 2017 Panel
Heroic Girls hosted “Raising Heroic Girls” — it’s first-ever panel — at San Diego Comic-Con this year. The panel was a look at how heroic comics, movies, and toys can inspire girls to be more confident and successful by combatting harmful gender norms that can hold them back.
John Marcotte, founder of Heroic Girls., moderated the panel — but the bulk of the knowledge and experiences was provided by the women of the panel, including:
- Alaina Huffman (Supernatural, Smallville),
- Anya Marcotte (Heroic Girls)
- Audrey Kearns (Geek Girl Authority),
- Cassandra Pelham (senior editor at Graphix and Scholastic Press),
- Dr. Janina Scarlet (Superhero Therapy), and
- Jenna Busch (Stan Lee’s World of Heroes, Legion of Leia)
(Janina’s son Hunter also contributed some valuable insight. but I didn’t think he would appreciate being called one of “the women of the panel” — just for accuracy’s sake.)
Thanks to Steve and Michele Blanchard, who shot the footage used above, and thanks to Ken Blanchard, who cleaned up the audio on that video and removed a horrible echo that was making it impossible to hear the speakers.
Woman Has Best Reaction to the End of Rogue One of All Time
I remember when I was a kid, and we went to see The Empire Strikes Back. When Darth Vader uttered the famous line, “No. I am your father” — the entire theater erupted in pandemonium and shock
That doesn’t happen anymore. The Internet killed the spoiler.Trailers routinely ruin key moments in the film in order to put butts in seats. And fans obsessively uncover secrets and share them — often before the film was even released.
But what if that wasn’t the case? What if you went into Rogue One blind, having no idea that its ending dovetailed directly into the beginning of A New Hope? Thanks to one anonymous teen and the genius who thought to film her, we finally know how someone would react..
How she avoided the spoilers until the film hit the home market, we will never know. But the look on her face is the purest expression of fan joy and wonder that I have ever seen.
I envy her.
A Shot-For-Shot Recreation of the Wonder Woman Trailer with Zero Budget
The folks over at CineFix have created a remarkable shot-for-shot remake of the Wonder Woman trailer using cardboard, duct tape and trash can lids as part of their “Homemade” video series. You can see it at the top of the page.
If you want to see how awe-inspiringly accurate the recreation is, check out this side-by-side comparison video.
While I don’t think there is a huge mystery about how they did anything here, it’s still pretty cool to see the process that they used to recreate the shots. Here’s a behind-the-scenes video showing how they made the home-brew trailer.
Leeron Amiel
Andrew Nowak
Stefanie Galler
Maddie Estrada
Andreas Trolf
Directed by Benjamin Martin
Art Department:
Mark Johnson
Bianca Lemaire
Music/Sound: Mike Wendland
Executive Producer: Dustin McLean
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